Weiterlesen: Annotations cc: Mathilde Hiley
Annotations cc: Mathilde Hiley
von Anoe Melliou
Mathilde Hiley captures objects mid-thought, suspended in a play of function and fiction. In this conversation, design meets the intimacy of still ...Weiterlesen -
Weiterlesen: Annotations cc: Linda Käckermann
Annotations cc: Linda Käckermann
von Anoe Melliou
Linda Käckermann, founder of Ain’t No Trash, curates not just objects but the interactions they evoke. Guided by instinct and an aesthetic sensibi...Weiterlesen -
Weiterlesen: Annotations cc: Vittorio Valigi
Annotations cc: Vittorio Valigi
von Anoe Melliou
Vittorio Valigi, designer and visual artist, navigates the intersection of the intimate and the industrial, where personal narratives meet contemp...Weiterlesen -
Weiterlesen: Annotations cc: Johannes Stumpf
Annotations cc: Johannes Stumpf
von Anoe Melliou
Industrial’s founder, Johannes Stumpf, joins me to reflect on why platforms like Instagram have accelerated in reshaping the way we encounter the ...Weiterlesen