Collector destroys Jeff Koons Balloon Dog sculpture worth US$42,000
by @industrialkonzept Team
Art or clumsiness? Collector drops Jeff Koons sculpture
Expensive shambles at Art Wynwood in Miami
An expensive affair for a collector at Art Wynwood in Miami: at the opening of the art exhibition, she accidentally knock ed over a JeffKoons porcelain sculpture worth US$42,000. The sculpture, called Balloon Dog (Blue), was part of a limited edition of 799 pieces and is now one poorer, as it now only exists in 798 copies.
Jeff Koons' Balloon Dog sculpture was accidentally broken into a thousand pieces by a visitor.
- Pop Tingz (@ThePopTingz) February 21, 2023
The art piece was worth $42,000. pic.twitter.com/fqHTIKpT5I
Fortunately, the artwork was insured and the destroyed pieces are being appraised by an insurance expert. But that's not all: some art collectors have even offered to buy the damaged parts of the sculpture.
Whether the incident was a case of clumsiness or simply bad luck remains unclear. But one thing is certain: art can be very expensive and even minor carelessness can have devastating consequences. It turns out that works of art not only have a high sentimental value, but also a monetary one.
Picture quote: via Getty/Jared Siskin/Patrick McMullan